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To President Bush by; Mahnaz Badihian

mahmag  •  18 April, 2006

To President Bush, You Cannot Kill Our Brothers and Explode Our Mother’s Grave…

Dear President Bush,

How can you sleep at night? How can you look at your wife, your mother, your daughter and yourself and tell them you love them? You are lying to all of them. If you love them you would able to have feelings for all the people being killed every day in Iraq. You would have feelings of regret for this unjust war in the Middle East that so far has cost life over 2000 American soldiers and the lives of thousands of Iraqi civilians.

Do you remember when you helped Saddam Hossein during the Iran/Iraq war? Don’t you remember that the U.S. trained Osama Bin Laden? Have you forgotten that the U.S. overthrew the only democratically elected leader of Iran, Mohammad Mosadeq? I guess you don’t remember that the U.S. helped put the current Islamic Regime in Iran, do you? You didn’t want a monarchy, you didn’t want a democratic government, you didn’t want a communist regime, and now you don’t like the Islamic regime. Nothing has satisfied you so far, so what do you want?

It is obvious that you are not the only one unhappy with the Islamic regime, many exiled Iranians and Iranians in Iran are unhappy with the government. But it is not your decision or choice to kill the people in Iran. That is for Iranians to choose. It is not your choice to ruin the American image further in the world, that is up to the Americans to decide. Isfahan is a beautiful, ancient town with historical buildings; these belong to all people on the earth , and neither Iranians nor Americans will let you damage them.

Do you have any idea what it is like to lose a loved one? To lose your land and your home? To witness the suffering of the people around you? I think you can solve your problems with Iranian government in a different way. DO NOT KILL MY BROTHER to solve your problem…

Why didn’t you get rid of the Islamic regime when the Iranian people were suffering during past 25 years? Why didn’t you do anything when they were killing poets and writers and oppositions one by one? Why?

Why don’t you use your power to establish fairness and kindness in the world? Why can’t you have feelings for other peoples and nations? Who is going to answer to all those kids that lost their fathers? To those mothers who lost their children? I guess you do not feel this pain because you have your old parents still and your sister and brother….But listen to me I lost a brother in the Iraq/Iran war and I witnessed my mother’s suffering. I am living in exile because of that war and because of the government that the U.S. helped to put in power, the one you are now trying to take out of power. I have a voice loud enough to tell you know we will not let you kill our brother and ruin our mother’s grave.….

You have made a big mistake by going to war with Iraq, do not repeat this mistake, show a good face and help peace and harmony on the earth. You and I both will die, but make sure you are not remembered for the land you destroyed and the blood shed you caused. There is enough on this earth for every one to be happy and not to starve. Iranians have a saying, “If they are catching drunks, they should catch every drunk in the town.” If having nuclear power is wrong, it should be wrong for every country, not just Iran.

In this age of high speed internet, nations and people are getting closer at a faster rate. The world is becoming a smaller place with an ever increasing need for people to get along. Our common enemy’s are tsunamis, earthquakes, hunger, and we need to go to war with those disasters and not with each other. President Bush We will not let you kill our brothers and explode our mother’s graves.

Mahnaz Badihian
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Posted by glyco  •  18 April, 2006  •  20:25:28

well said

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